Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Sorry I went MIA

Hey friends sorry I've gone MIA the past couple of weeks. I missed a few big things. Those missed events include my sister's birthday, Valentine's Day, 3 friends with the same birthday last Friday, and today is my friend Allison's birthday. Sheesh you guys. Seems like everyone needs to simmer down in May.

I've been keeping myself busy with work, sleep, lots of basketball games and now we can add in all my spring sports to that list, and just a couple birthday parties. March is a busy month for me, so I'm planning to enjoy one more lazy weekend before it all begins. I'll leave you today with an iPhone dump of pictures.

1. We hosted the Harbowl at our house. Full house with 25 attendees.
2.Spent a Sunday back home with friends. Brunch/lunch followed by drinks and the State game at Busy Bee. Followed by beer and pizza with my dad and friends. Pretty much a perfect day.
3. Mexican food then birthday/ Valentines cupcakes.
4. A mini train ride through the mall. Was that real life?
5. Current read
6. Present from my Valentine. Love you Mom!
7. Wii dancing to Michael Jackson. The boys are the most entertaining.
8. It snowed all day last Saturday. I stayed in and laid around drinking coffee and watched the snow. Another fantastic weekend.

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